Infection Prevention and Control
Helpful resources to support nursing homes with infection prevention including COVID-19, immunizations and beyond. For additional tools, visit our Resource Library.
Infection Prevention and Control
Helpful resources to support nursing homes with infection prevention including COVID-19, immunizations and beyond. For additional tools, visit our Resource Library.
Infection Prevention Assessment Tools, Resources and Trainings
Audit Tracking Tool Workbook
This Audit Tracking Tool Workbook can assist long-term care facilities to conduct audits, record and analyze audit data and use the information to develop an action plan.
Best Practices Pocket Cards
Download and print these double-sided pocket cards developed by Health Quality Innovation Network for staff in your facility. Download here.
CDPHE Healthcare-Associated Infection (HAI) Resources
This page includes resources for antimicrobial stewardship, disinfection, hand hygiene, injection safety and more.
*This page may include Colorado-specific guidance. Please refer to your local or state health department for location-specific information.
Guidebook for Infection Prevention and Control Preparedness
A resource to assist nursing homes with infection prevention (IP) quality improvement initiatives. The guidebook includes information, strategies, and example process measures to guide you through a PDSA cycle based on your IP assessment improvement areas. Download here.
Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Risk Assessment
A tool to help focus improvement activities on essential tasks to reduce infection control risks. Completing an infection control risk assessment can help improve resident and staff safety, identify training opportunities, and uncover prevention practice gaps while assessing the probability of infection transmission. Download here.
Infection Preventionist Orientation Checklist
This tool, designed primarily for new infection preventionists (IPs), provides a comprehensive overview of key areas that all IPs should be familiar with upon entering the field. This list can be used to start an orientation program or serve as a gap analysis for an existing program. Download the tool here.
Infection Prevention Resource List
A one-stop shop for infection prevention resources provided and updated by Telligen. Download here.
Infection Control Assessment and Response (ICAR) Tool for General Infection Prevention and Control (IPC) Across Settings
ICAR tools are used to systematically assess a healthcare facility’s IPC practices and guide quality improvement activities (e.g., by addressing identified gaps). Access here.
Nursing Home COVID-19 Infection Prevention Rounding Tool
This resource can be used for observational audits. The information and questions provided are based on best practices for infection prevention and control per guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). Decisions regarding facility policies and procedures should be made with consideration to your state and local health departments regulations, infection prevention and control best practices and allow for residents’ autonomy while respecting resident rights. For information on regulations, contact your state and local health department directly for further instructions. Download here.
Post COVID-19 Outbreak Guide
After a COVID-19 outbreak, what do you do? This guide tool provides step by step guidance to help your team recover and take action to improve prevention practices.
Project Firstline Recordings
Telligen is partnering with Hektoen to make these Project Firstline trainings and learning resources available to you. If you have questions, please contact
Telligen created this short video on sepsis to share with residents. Our goal is to empower residents to recognize sepsis symptoms, learn prevention strategies and act fast! Request to have this video included on the agenda for the next resident council meeting and consider proposing that the council share it regularly, possibly on a quarterly basis. Prior to showing in resident council, we also recommend sharing this video during an all-staff meeting.
Get Ahead of Sepsis materials for patients, residents and families – The CDC provides free educational resources to help you prevent sepsis and recognize it early.
- Protect Yourself and Your Family from Sepsis – Two-page flyer for patients/residents and families
- It’s Time to Talk about Sepsis – Brochure for patients/residents and families
- Four Ways to Get Ahead of Sepsis – One-page flyer for patients/residents and families
- Start the Conversation Today about Sepsis with your Healthcare Professional – Two-page flyer for patients/residents and families
- Life After Sepsis – Two-page flyer about what survivors need to know
- Four Ways to Get Ahead of Sepsis – Short video
Get Ahead of Sepsis materials for patients, residents and families – The CDC provides free educational resources to help you prevent sepsis and recognize it early.
- Long-Term Care Nurses: Protect Your Residents from Sepsis – Two-page educational flyer
- Long-Term Care Certified Nurse Assistants: Protect Your Residents from Sepsis – Two-page educational flyer
Teach- Back Intervention: Patient and Family Engagement in Primary Care – Health literacy intervention from Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
Survey Readiness Toolkit
This series of tools, developed by Health Quality Innovation Network, is designed to assist in everyday compliance and help prepare for surveys and inspections, and can also be used to train new employees during onboarding and annually. The accompanying checklists can be used for training and compliance validation. Download here.
The Long-Term Care Infection Preventionist’s Survival Guide
This toolkit, developed by Health Quality Innovation Network for new infection preventionists, includes guiding checklists and resources to create or enhance an infection prevention and control program. Download here.
Updated Targeted COVID-19 Training for Nursing Homes
Root Cause Analysis Tools
Brainstorming, Affinity Grouping and Multi-Voting Tool
A PDF tool that helps with using the Affinity Group method for uncovering root cause analysis (RCA) that was released by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) is available on the Quality Assurance Performance Improvement website. Visit the tool.
Driver Diagram
The driver diagram is a visual display of what drives system outcomes. Use this tool identify drivers and organize potential changes within an organization or community to achieve the project aim. Download here.
Facilitators Guide for the Root Cause Analysis Method
The purpose of a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is to find out what happened, why it happened and determine what changes need to be made. The steps in the resource below outline the process for conducting an RCA. Download here.
Fishbone Diagram Worksheets
A tool to walk you through a root cause analysis (RCA). Download here.
Note: A more comprehensive version of this document with RCA information and role assignements helpful to analysis is also available.
Five Whys Worksheet
A root cause analysis tool (RCA) using the Five Whys method. Download here.
Root Cause Analysis Tool Selection Guide
This tool helps with selecting which RCA tool to use between Affinity Group, Five Whys or Fishbone. Download here.
Root Cause Analysis Pathway
Use this interactive step-by-step guide for completing a root cause analysis (RCA). Download here.
When To Use Root Cause Analysis
Root cause analysis (RCA) is a problem solving method. It is a process to investigate an incident, failure, actual or potential problem or concern that indicates a need for deeper understanding of the reasons why the event occurred. However, not every incident, failure or problem will need a RCA completed. This tool will help teams determine when and for what events a thorough RCA should be completed. Download here.
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Tools
PDSA Pathway Guide
Plan Do Study Act, known as PDSA, is a structured improvement process. This PDSA Guide outlines the steps to navigate the method. Download here.
PDSA Worksheet
A tool to guide you through the steps to conduct a Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) process or cycle. Download here.
Process and Audit Tools
4Ps of Person-Centered Rounding
4 Ps rounding supports efforts to decrease undesirable outcomes and increase resident satisfaction. Timely and routine rounding to assess for pain, confirm needed possessions are within reach, assure positioning is comfortable and body is properly aligned, and elimination needs are met can decrease the risk of accidents and incidents. Visit the resource.
Environmental Cleaning Spreadsheet
An environmental cleaning audit tool available on the CDC website that each individual nursing home can modify and edit. Download here.
Hand Hygiene Competency Validation
A tool to conduct observation audits of hand hygiene and track compliance. Download here.
Influenza Toolkit for Providers and Patients
This toolkit provides tools and resources to support the prevention of influenza throughout your community. Download here.
Performance Improvement Project (PIP) Documentation
A documentation tool to summarize PIP activities. Download here.
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Audit Tool
A tool to conduct observation audits of donning and doffing PPE and track compliance. Download here.
Printable Signage
Hand Washing Reminder
Infection Prevention Visitor Signage
Your 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene
The 5 Moments for Hand Hygiene approach was designed by the World Health Organization to minimize the risk of transmission of microorganisms between a healthcare worker, the patient and the environment. This printable flyer was adapted by Telligen for nursing home staff and residents.
Visit Telligen’s Vax Hub for vaccination resources.
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nursing homes



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