Telligen QI Connect™ supports rural hospitals, critical access hospitals and hospitals serving vulnerable populations including those in medically underserved areas, with chronic conditions or disability, and who have low income or are homeless. By facilitating community and hospital collaboration in quality improvement initiatives and the spread of evidence-based practice, we help to bridge the gap between patient safety, public health, healthcare quality and emergency management.
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Scroll down to learn more about our work on high priority focus areas for hospitals.

Antibiotic Stewardship
Medicare requires all participating acute care and critical access hospitals to have antibiotic stewardship programs. Telligen QI Connect™ helps hospitals to implement the CDC’s Core Elements of Antibiotic Stewardship to improve antibiotic use, advance patient safety and improve outcomes. Our work ensures that hospitals improve antibiotic prescribing and use to effectively treat infections, protect patients from harms caused by unnecessary antibiotic use and combat antibiotic resistance.

Behavioral Health & Opioid Misuse
Many Medicare beneficiaries have conditions such as depression, dementia and substance use disorders. Telligen QI Connect™ collaborates with hospitals to spread emerging evidence-based practices and resources to screen for depression and substance use disorders, decrease opioid adverse drug events and deaths, and implement pain and opioid use best practices including Naloxone distribution, prescription monitoring, medication-assisted treatment (MAT) and other community-based local solutions.

Care Coordination
Poor coordination of care when patients move across the care continuum places patients at risk for adverse outcomes, including medication errors, adverse drug events and preventable emergency room visits and readmissions. Telligen QI Connect™ collaborates with hospitals to improve communication when patients transfer across care settings, engage community services that enable patients to stay healthy at home and establish internal processes that improve discharge planning and coordination with post-acute providers, patients and families.

COVID-19 Response
COVID-19 has and continues to severely test hospitals, strain the capacity to care for patients and undermine hospitals’ financial stability. Telligen QI Connect™ collaborates with hospitals to spread updates on rapidly changing regulations and guidelines, share emerging best practices and lessons learned and host webinars with subject matter experts addressing the most urgent needs – from vaccine hesitancy to workforce resilience and joy.

Hospital Leader Engagement
Active and consistent engagement of hospital leaders in quality improvement (QI) initiatives is critical for success. Telligen QI Connect™ partners with hospital leaders and Boards of Directors to ensure ongoing commitment and engagement, foster high reliability organizations and facilitate activities that advance patient safety and implementation of key measures of timeliness, effectiveness, efficiency, equitability and patient centeredness.

Patient Safety
Hospital inpatients experienced an estimated 2.7 million harm events in 2016, accounting for $29 billion in costs, and leading to more than 80,000 deaths. CMS estimates that about 44% of these events and deaths are preventable. Telligen QI Connect™ focuses on 8 areas of harm to support hospital patient safety initiatives: opioid stewardship, adverse drug events (ADE), central line-associated blood stream infections (CLABSI), catheter-associated urinary tract infections (CAUTI), antibiotic stewardship, sepsis and septic shock, pressure ulcers, and readmissions.

Public Health Emergency Preparedness
At the time of a national public health emergency, the need for coordination with public health authorities and immediate activation of resources to address healthcare threats and enhance public safety is essential. With the onset of COVID-19, these needs included infection control, telehealth and more. Telligen QI Connect™ supports hospitals with self-assessments for managing emergencies, building system level capacity for rapid response and assistance with operationalizing emergency plans.
Who We Help

nursing homes



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