Hospital Resources
Resources to support Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC) partners. For additional tools, visit our Resource Library.
Hospital Resources
Resources to support Hospital Quality Improvement Contractor (HQIC) partners. For additional tools, visit our Resource Library.
Topic-Specific Patient Safety Resources for Quality Improvement
Antibiotic Stewardship
Antibiotic Stewardship: Quick Wins for Improving Duration of Therapy Change Pathway
Change Pathway: Antibiotic Stewardship
The Core Elements for Antibiotic Stewardship in Action Change Pathway
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Anticoagulation ADEs
Thromboprophylaxis of Hospitalized Patients Change Pathway
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
The use of “triggers,” or clues, to identify adverse drug events (ADEs) is an effective method for measuring the overall level of harm from medications in a healthcare organization. The Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Drug Events and the Adapted Trigger Tools provide instructions for conducting a retrospective review of patient records using a known list of ADE triggers and instructions for measuring the degree of harmful medication events to guide quality improvement efforts. Download the Adapted IHI Trigger Tool for Measuring Anticoagulant Related Adverse Drug Events.
Antidiabetic ADEs
The use of “triggers,” or clues, to identify adverse drug events (ADEs) is an effective method for measuring the overall level of harm from medications in a healthcare organization. The Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Drug Events and the Adapted Trigger Tools provide instructions for conducting a retrospective review of patient records using a known list of ADE triggers and instructions for measuring the degree of harmful medication events to guide quality improvement efforts.
Download the Adapted IHI Trigger Tool for Measuring Antidiabetic Related Adverse Drug Events.
The Fall Prevention Organizational Assessment will assist you in conducting a gap assessment of your organization’s fall prevention policies and processes. This tool helps you determine the implementation status of several evidence-based practice interventions in your facility.
Change Pathway
Enhancing Capacity: Reengineering Fall and Fall Injury Programs: Subject Matter Expert, Pat Quigley, discussed essential elements and guidelines for fall and injury prevention programs, integrated program evaluation and implementation science, and identified opportunities to enhance program infrastructure, capacity and how to sustain improvements. Now, it is time to act!
Exploring Strategies to Prevent Hypoglycemic Events in Hospitalized Patients Change Pathway
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Medication Reconciliation
Meaningful Medication Reconciliation to Prevent Adverse Drug Events Change Pathway
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Opioid Mortality Prevention
Exploring Strategies to Prevent Opioid Morbidity and Mortality Change Pathway
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
The use of “triggers,” or clues, to identify adverse drug events (ADEs) is an effective method for measuring the overall level of harm from medications in a healthcare organization. The Trigger Tool for Measuring Adverse Drug Events and the Adapted Trigger Tools provide instructions for conducting a retrospective review of patient records using a known list of ADE triggers and instructions for measuring the degree of harmful medication events to guide quality improvement efforts. Download the Adapted IHI Trigger Tool for Measuring Opioid Related Adverse Drug Events.
Pressure Injury
Watch the HQIC Pressure Injury webinar recording to hear from subject matter experts, explore helpful resources and learn best practices. Read more about why this matters, review data and access tools to utilize in your facility.
Download the Readmission & Multi-Admission Patient Reduction Learning Collaborative Workbook to develop an individualized, multidisciplinary program with goals, process and outcome measures aimed at preventing hospital readmissions and reducing multi-admission patient utilization.
Vaccination Resources
Adult Vaccine Toolkit
Promoting and maintaining high vaccination rates for recommended vaccines is a critical strategy for infection prevention. This virtual toolkit serves as a resource in assisting healthcare organizations and providers in their efforts to identify gaps and vaccinate more adults.
Vax Hub
Telligen’s Vax Hub provides on-demand tools, resources and learning modules related to the COVID-19 vaccine and bivalent booster.
Infection Prevention Tools and Templates
Catheter-Associated Urinary Tract Infections (CAUTI)
Keep Calm and Prevent CAUTI and CLABSI Change Path
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infection (CLABSI)
Change Pathway: Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections
Moving Forward Using Lessons Learned to Prevent Central Line-Associated Bloodstream Infections and webinar recording.
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Clostridioides Difficile Infection (CDI)
Clostridioides Difficile Infection (CDI) Root Cause Analysis Tool
Use this tool to complete a root-cause analysis (RCA) of a recent CDI case on your unit or in your facility. Answer the questions using information from chart review, discussions with staff, and infection prevention rounds. Review your responses with your team and/or staff to identify opportunities for preventing future CDI cases. Consider performing an RCA on each CDI case moving forward so that you may identify trends in infection prevention practices.
Guide to Strengthening Your Hospital Surgical Care Framework
Guide to Strengthening Your Hospital Surgical Care Framework
Use this comprehensive educational guide which focuses on the surgical continuum of care: pre-, intra- and post-operative processes. This guide assists hospitals and surgical care teams in examining surgical workflows, identifying practice gaps, and implementing best practices to prevent surgical site infections (SSIs), post-operative pulmonary embolism (PE) and/or deep-vein thrombosis (DVTs). Additionally, this guide provides quality improvement recommendations that support the safety and efficacy of pain management for patients within all phases of surgical care.
Infection Prevention Orientation Checklist
Infection Prevention Trainings
Learn more about the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Project Firstline National Training Collaborative for Healthcare Infection Control.
Infection Prevention Words of Wisdom
Watch the Infection Prevention: Words of Wisdom recording.
Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs)
Infection Prevention Back to Basics: Multi-Drug Resistant Organisms (MDROs) Change Path
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Use this Excel line list template to track MDROs.
National Healthcare Safety Network (NHSN)
Download the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s NHSN Patient Safety Component Manual which includes five modules that focus on events associated with medical devices, surgical procedures, antimicrobial agents used during healthcare, and multidrug resistant organisms.
Learn more about the Targeted Assessment for Prevention (TAP) Strategy framework for quality improvement developed by the CDC to use data for action to prevent healthcare-associated infections (HAIs).
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Use this tool to conduct observation audits of donning and doffing PPE and track compliance. The tool includes a compliance calculator to get a compliance rate. PPE compliance is critical for infection prevention, consider developing a PPE quality improvement plan and use this tool to measure compliance rates over time, to track if your quality improvement activity is working.
Sepsis Care in 2022: Identification + Management Strategies to Optimized Patient Outcomes
Transitions in Care: Preventing Sepsis-Related Readmissions
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Cross Cutting Resources – Patient and Family Engagement, Health Equity & More
Culture of Health Equity
I Want To, I Just Don’t Know How: A Practical Guide for Advancing Health Equity
The change pathway tool is a topic-specific, step-by-step guide to quality improvement. The change pathway is created using evidence-based practice resources and guidelines. Key quality improvement activities such as formulating an aim statement, conducting a root cause analysis and identifying interventions are included in each guide. Interventions are outlined as beginner, intermediate and expert so that you may explore opportunities for improvement that meet your needs. Download to get started!
Addressing Health Disparities Resource Guide
Health disparities are differences in health outcomes closely linked with social, economic and environmental disadvantage. These are often driven by the social conditions in which individuals live, learn, work and play. These disparities negatively impact the individual goal of achieving and maintaining good health, as well as the collective goal of providing quality care and achieving optimal population health. Learn about recommendations to increase understanding and awareness of disparities. Download to get started!
Patient and Family Engagement (PFE)
Patient and Family Engagement Implementation Resource Guide
This resource provides you with evidence-based resources, implementation strategies and general guidance to assist your organization’s efforts in establishing a successful PFE committee and meeting all five of the PFE measures.
- PFE 1 – Implementation of a planning checklist for patients known to have a planned admission to the hospital (e.g., for elective surgery), and PFE 2 – Implementation of a discharge planning checklist.
- PFE3 – Conducting shift change huddles and bedside reporting with patients and families.
- PFE4 – Designation of an accountable leader in the hospital who is responsible for patient and family engagement.
- PFE5 – Hospitals having an active Patient & Family Engagement Committee/Advisory Council (PFAC) or other committees where patients are represented and report to the board.
- PFE and Sepsis
Rural Health Information
Find rural-specific healthcare statistics, data, evidence-based interventions, case studies and toolkits that support rural and critical access hospitals in quality improvement efforts from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services here.
Social Determinants of Health
Check out the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Z-Codes Infographic.
Workplace Violence Prevention
Defined as “violent acts, including physical assaults and threats of assault, directed toward persons at work or on duty,” workplace violence is a growing concern. The HQIC collaborative group consisting of Alliant, Compass, IPRO and Telligen hosted a workplace violence prevention series. Learn more and access event materials.
Quality Improvement Tools and Templates
Bite-Sized Learning: Quality Improvement Basics
Telligen created a series of bite-sized learning videos to help strengthen skills for healthcare quality improvement professionals. Gain valuable insights, learn practical tools and discover best practices to drive continuous improvement.
Whether you’re new to quality improvement or looking to sharpen your expertise, these bite-sized videos fit into your busy schedule. Start improving today!
Watch all 10 videos:
- Introduction to Quality Improvement
- Building a Quality Improvement Team
- Team Roles and Responsibilities
- The 5 Ws of Effective Team Communication
- Setting SMART Goals
- Leveraging Process Mapping
- Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Cycle
- Root Cause Analysis and the 5 Whys
- The Fishbone Diagram
- A Plan for Sustaining Change
IHI Quality Improvement Essentials
Check out IHI’s QI Essentials Toolkit which includes the tools and templates you need to launch a successful quality improvement project and manage performance improvement.
Hospital Resource Package Bundle
The tools and resources in these resource packages have been thoughtfully curated to support healthcare professionals in addressing the most pressing patient safety issues and improvement opportunities that challenge our current healthcare industry. By identifying and addressing root causes, providers can develop targeted, impactful strategies to reduce risks and enhance patient safety. Implementing evidence-based guidelines, strengthening patient monitoring systems and fostering continuous education for healthcare teams are essential steps to minimize these incidents and deliver safer, more effective care. These best practices can be used to create robust quality improvement action plans that drive meaningful, sustained change.
- Age-Friendly Health Systems
- Behavioral Health: Addressing Depression, Suicide and Opioids, Alcohol and Substance Use Disorder
- Building a Strong Quality Improvement Case: Financial Acumen and Return on Investment (ROI) Essentials
- Continuity of Care
- Implementing an Antibiotic Stewardship Program
- Preventing Adverse Drug Events
- Preventing Healthcare-Acquired Infections
- Preventing Workplace Violence
- Safety Events: Preventing Patient Harm
- Sepsis: Essential Resources for Prevention and Care
Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Tools
Pan View Working Tool Template
This organizational tool is aimed to provide you with a comprehensive – or panoramic – view of your Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) work.
- This PDSA Guide outlines the steps to navigate this structured improvement process.
- A tool to guide you through the steps to conduct a Plan-Do-Study-Act process or cycle.
Turtle Diagram and Process Approach
- Use this to help visualize all elements of a process. This tool not only helps you have a more comprehensive view of how a process is carried out but can help understand the process itself.
Root Cause Analysis (RCA) Tools
Facilitators Guide for the Root Cause Analysis Method
- The purpose of a Root Cause Analysis (RCA) is to find out what happened, why it happened and determine what changes need to be made. The steps in the resource below outline the process for conducting an RCA.
- A tool to walk you through a root cause analysis.
- A root cause analysis tool (RCA) using the Five Whys method.
- Use this interactive step-by-step guide for completing a root cause analysis (RCA).
Root Cause Analysis Tool Selection Guide
- This tool helps with selecting which RCA tool to use between Affinity Group, Five Whys or Fishbone.
When to Use Root Cause Analysis
- Root cause analysis (RCA) is a problem solving method. It is a process to investigate an incident, failure, actual or potential problem or concern that indicates a need for deeper understanding of the reasons why the event occurred. However, not every incident, failure or problem will need a RCA completed. This tool will help teams determine when and for what events a thorough RCA should be completed.
Sepsis Data Sharing Checklist
Use this checklist while preparing to share data at your quality improvement committee meetings, board meetings or during other opportunities to communicate about data. The aim of this checklist is to empower you to share your data with your teams, support you in feeling more comfortable discussing data and help you engage your staff in identifying opportunities for improvement. Download here.
Telligen's Quality Improvement Workbook
In this workbook, you will find valuable resources to support your team’s quality improvement efforts. We have created a timeline to follow and ways to track progress during your organization’s quality improvement journey.
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