Wake Up Wednesday: High-Risk Medication ECHO® Series

Wake Up Wednesday: High-Risk Medication ECHO® Series

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Series Description: According to the World Health Organization (WHO), unsafe medication practices and medication errors are a leading cause of injury and avoidable harm in health care systems. “Unsafe medication practices and medication errors are a leading cause of injury and avoidable harm in health care systems. Medication errors occur when weak medication systems and/or human factors such as fatigue, poor environmental conditions or staff shortages affect prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, administration, and monitoring practices, which can then result in severe harm, disability and even death.” Nursing home teams, prescribers, pharmacists, admission and discharge planners, and many others across the care continuum share a common goal to improve patient outcomes. Let’s come together to achieve the highest level of results. During our time together we have lined up experts to share key information on a new topic for each session focusing on improving care coordination practices that support high-risk medication management, resident safety and quality of care. Please note: This event is part of a series, and each event topic and associated dates can be found below.

1/25/23 Event Description: The management of high-risk medications such as opioids, diabetics, anticoagulants and antipsychotics can be complex especially when collaborating with others outside the organization. Join us in session one of this ECHO® series with quest speaker Vicki Worth, Medicare/Medicaid LTC Bureau Chief I with the Iowa Department of Inspections & Appeals to navigate the regulations, risks leading to errors and safety concerns.

Objectives: Objectives of this event include:

  • Describe the relationship between high-risk medication management and the potential impact to nursing homes
  • Discover resources to support medication management processes
  • Recognize opportunities for collaboration which may impact positive outcomes

ECHO® Session Dates and Topics:

Audience: Nursing homes, medical directors, prescribing clinicians, pharmacy consultants and hospital discharge planners. We welcome anyone who supports long-term care providers with prescribing and reducing high risk medications, behavioral management and care coordination to improve the lives of nursing home residents.

About the ECHO® Model: The ECHO® Model is an “all teach, all learn” approach to disseminate and implement best practices across diverse disciplines. The mission of the ECHO® Model is to make knowledge accessible at the right time. If you are interested in learning more, please contact Gina Anderson at ganderson@telligen.com

*After the event, you can request presentation slides and other resources by emailing QIConnect@telligen.com.

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