Blue Ribbon in COVID-19 Vigilance Eligibility
Telligen QI Connect™ strives to instill sustainable quality and performance improvement practices for our Telligen QI Connect™ participants. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, we are recognizing the efforts nursing homes have taken to prevent the spread of COVID-19, which protects the residents, staff and families and friends who visit nursing homes. Preventing the spread of COVID-19 requires ongoing vigilance and attention to prevention practices that rely on having written policies, procedures and education to support their implementation. To this end, Telligen has created the Blue Ribbon in COVID-19 Vigilance award. Notification and website postings of awardees will occur quarterly, and began October 2021.
This award is a two-step process, beginning with nursing homes completing the COVID-19 preparedness assessment which takes only a few minutes. Then, Telligen will complete the following:
- Determine eligibility by reviewing the COVID-19 Preparedness Assessment responses, affirming that all required items are in place. Nursing homes can take the assessment more than one time.
- Validate the nursing home’s vaccination criteria** using the CMS COVID-19 Nursing Home Data website, and confirm that the nursing home met the required rates once during the quarter.
- Stay tuned for information on required vaccination rates as of November 2024
- Participants are expected to strive to sustain high vaccination rates and accurately report to NHSN on a weekly basis.
Telligen is committed to supporting your efforts to earn the Blue Ribbon in COVID-19 Vigilance award and will provide technical assistance, tools or resources based on your assessment response.
Once the verification has been completed, awardees will be contacted by Telligen via email. The email will include a password to download a marketing toolkit. This password should not be shared outside your organization. If you have not received this email, please contact us at nursinghome@telligen.com to check your eligibility or for any other questions you may have.
*Eligibility is based on self-reported affirmation of criteria and use of publicly available NHSN data from data.cms.gov.
**Resident rates are based on the CDC’s up-to-date vaccination definition.