Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Interactive Training

Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) Interactive Training

NEW! Certificate of Completion For Individual Participants of Live Events

Event Description:

Are you tired of making changes that don’t improve outcomes? If you’re seeking a different result or want to increase satisfaction – improve your process! Please join us for a live, interactive training to learn the principles of the Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA) cycle which has a proven track record for improving processes.

The PDSA cycle is designed to test new or different practices in the real work environment. This method can help implement changes more easily and lead to greater sustainability of those changes. The PDSA cycle is structured to help you and your staff make an informed decision – gather your team and attend this training together!


This training will orient you on the PDSA four-step process (Planning, Trying, Observing, and Acting) and identify methods for implementing PDSA cycles into your organizational practices.


Nell Griffin and Micki Reyman


Nursing homes and any other healthcare organizations

Registration Required: Register here.


PDSA On Demand: On-demand learnings are now available through the learning management system (LMS) section of the Telligen QI Connect™ Portal. To access the on-demand PDSA learning, current Telligen QI Connect™ Portal users can log in to their existing Portal account and click on the blue hamburger menu in the top left corner to find the ‘My Learning’ button. Non-Portal users can register for LMS access here. You will be emailed a username and password after you register. Learn in your free time and gain the knowledge and skills to meet your quality improvement goals!

*After the event, you can request presentation slides and other resources by emailing

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